QR Code Scanning of Swiss Payment Documents

Transform mobile/online banking solutions with reliable QR Code scanning on websites and in native apps.

Enable Your Website or App to Scan the Swiss QR Code

Integrating QR Code scanning functionality into websites and native apps make Swiss mobile and e-banking solutions products more powerful than ever. Scandit’s mobile computer vision-enabled solution reads all of the data encoded in the Swiss QR code and delivers the result in a structured format. Users may scan QR Codes via the webcam on a computer as well as from a mobile e-banking or accounting application – the only solution available that enables both functions.

Swiss QR Code Payment for Banking Industry

Automatically Detects What to Scan

The Scandit SDK uses the camera of smart devices or laptops to scan the QR code and our built-in data processors returns all data fields encoded in the QR code in a structured format for convenient access by the application developer. In addition, this solution simultaneously detects the presence of an old payment slip, decodes the data field at the bottom of the payslip and returns them (text scanning only supported in the native SDK).

Check out our sample implementation in the Scandit Demo App.

Download the Demo App

Offer Reliable and Fast Scanning of Swiss QR Bills


High Performance & Device Availability

Industry leading performance in terms of scan speed and ease of use. Scan from any angle, as well as poorly printed and damaged codes. Supports over 4000 different device models.


Supports Both QR and Text Scanning

Scandit’s solution can read either the Swiss QR code or the current number code at the bottom of the traditional pay slips.

code icon

Available for Mobile Apps and Websites

Aside from integrating the SDK into a native mobile banking/payment app, Scandit supports scanning in the browser via the webcam without the need to download an app.


Enterprise Level Support

While you get up and running, we will help you address any issues. Whether it be specific devices or integration questions.

Cross-Platform for Maximum Reach

Our software works on most operating systems, frameworks and 3rd party systems and we offer specialist technical support for developers with a range of support and analytics options during live service. These are some of the main platforms:

Barcode Scanner SDK platforms
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Google Glass
  • Xamarin
  • PhoneGap / Cordova
  • React Native
  • Titanium
  • IBM MobileFirst
  • Hybris
  • Telerik
  • Ionic
  • SAP Fiori